How can we appreciate different cultures?

Cultures have visible and hidden elements. Visible features include symbols, practices, art, and architecture. But the hidden elements feature the spirit and soul of these acts.

Examine your own culture:

Through self-reflection, you will be able to understand the differences and determine what is important.  If you realize that a specific aspect of your own cultural background is central to your identity, and it would offend you if someone were to use it without fully understanding what it means, consider that people all over the world, in cultures other than your own, may feel the same way. 

Think about this: Would I be offended if someone insulted an important traditional symbol from my culture without understanding what it truly means?


Listen first: 

One of the best ways to understand and appreciate another culture is by listening to those who are a part of that society.  Listen to their stories, understand the implications behind the aspects of their culture that you are interested in, and use that understanding to broaden your worldview. 

Think about: I recently purchased a beautiful piece of handmade jewelry.  Did I listen to the artist who created the piece to learn more about his or her background, what their work means to them, and how it fits into the culture of that place?  If not, I may be appropriating instead of appreciating. 

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